Just like a butterfly



It is a cycle,

Life isn’t stagnant,

That always change,

From one to another.


Sometimes it can be nice,

Sometimes it can be bad,

There are times when you are at your best,

But there are also times when you are at your worst!


One thing I believe,

When bad things happen,

There are good things ahead,

And I’m sure it’s true.


Our life is like a cycle,

Just like butterflies,

First you need to be on your own,

Only then you are free to explore things.


The first stage is the hardest,

The second becomes easier,

The next stage becomes better,

While the last is the best!


Just like a butterfly,

First you’re just an egg and stays in a place,

Next you’re a crawling caterpillar,

Then imprisoned in chrysalis to find strength.



Moving out slowly and carefully,

Trying to break the pupa and see the world,

Finally flying out freely,

Elegantly, happily!


Moving wings as far as you could,

Sucking honey from diverse types of flowers,

See a different new world,

And most importantly, you’re imprisoned!


You’re just free…

