Sup siam sihat Mama Dee


I am about to restart blogging, so that I will be able to revisit and recap the recipes learnt. My next post would be a healthy menu. If you’re on a strict diet plan, this could be one of your daily meal plans. Chicken soup without oil. So let’s get started!


  • Ayam
  • Kobis
  • Lobak merah
  • Kiub ayam
  • Untuk dimasukkan dalam periuk ( Bawang besar / bawang holland, bawang putih, serai, hali, lengkuas, serai, biji ketumbar, biji jintan manis/ jintan putih, lada hitam, 4 sekawan)
  • Daun limau purut
  • Rempah sup ayam


  1. Masukkan potongan ayam dan bawang besar, bawang putih, serai, halia, lengkuas, halia, biji ketumbar dan jintan manis yang dikisar kasar, lada hitam, 4 sekawan). Biarkan sebentar di dalam periuk sehingga keluar minyak ayam. Api sederhana.
  2. Kemudian masukkan sedikit air. Didihkan sebentar. Masukkan kiub ayam.
  3. Masukkan rempah sup dan daun limau purut.
  4. Tambahkan sedikit air dan renehkan sehingga terbit minyak. Masukkan juga lada jarum/ cili padi.
  5. Masukkan kobis dan lobak merah. Perasakan dengan garam dan siap!

Selamat mencuba!

Form 2 (Unit 9): Cooking demonstration on ‘Healthy Foods’ topic


I am sharing the materials here so that it would be easier to acces. Hope it will benefit you as well.

Since this unit is about health, I would love my students to talk about a healthy menu that they could prepare. A lot of skills are incorporated in this topic since pupils have to go through several stages before it come to the presentation day.

Step 1: Introduction (Looking at the samples)

Pupils are introduced on what a healthy meal is, and how a cooking demonstration is done. Pupils could watch a video on a demonstration as well. I love showing them videos so that pupils can imitate a bit of what they saw on the video. Here is a sample of the video.

Step 2: Preparation (Scriptwriting)

I love doing this presentation in groups. Pupils discuss with their friends about the menu that they are going to prepare. Then, pupils are given a template (more details for low proficiency pupils). Pupils fill in the blanks with the details of their demonstration. For example:

  • Ingredients
  • Steps
  • Benefits of the food to their health

Other than preparing the script on their own, pupils can also consult the teacher to check on their grammar or sentence structures.

*I will update later soon

Step 3: Presentation day

Pupils bring all the cooking materials and demonstrate to their friends. Other pupils act as the audience and provide feedbacks when needed. Teacher can use 3 stars 1 wish (3 good things & 1 thing to improve) at the end of the presentation to provide feedbacks to the presenters.

Form 1: Unit 1 Writing (All about me)

Hello! Here are some of the resources I have found for guiding students before they start writing about themselves. I found the materials and put them together here for our reference.

Perhaps a few samples to read before your students start writing about themselves…

I bet you may find other better samples out there… Hihi

‘Till then.


Learning through movies

How to teach movies to build vocabulary?

  1. Watch several movie clips and describe the genres.
  2. Watch a movie clip and jot down the verbs or nouns heard/observed.

Speaking about movies

  1. Watch a movie clip and guess what happens next.
  2. Watch a clip without sound and guess what the discussion is about?
  3. 3-minute movie pitch (Pupils plan a movie with characters, plot, and do a 3-minute pitch) as if you promote the movie verbally.
  4. Produce a trailer video.
  5. Give a presentation about your favourite movie.
  6. Have different students in the group taking different roles (do the voiceover of the video).

Writing with movies

  1. Watch a clip without sound, then write a dialogue of the predicted.
  2. Watch a trailer and rename the movie.

Sketching for fun (Part 2)

Tonight’s sketch

I managed to sketch something tonight. I have some tips from my friend who sketch as well- you may start by taking examples from other samples online or any instagram pages that post various kinds of digital sketching. I googled on this eye sketching and did one tonight! *pats on my back*

Doodling for fun (Part 1)

I always find that drawing is therapeutic. I could draw, but it might not look so symmetrical or as nice as other doodles or drawings done by my creative friends. I bet you’ve seen those effortless drawing tutorials on pinterest instagram or tiktok videos. I wish I was one of them. Hence, I purchased an app, Procreate. Here is my first comic strip. I thought of making a comic since I joined a comic program before… so I thought… why not?

Tia asked me to start a #ramadhansketchchallenge2022 and I guess it is a good start. Should make my purchase worth it, shouldn’t I?

Wish me luck! ❤